Everything About Multiple Listing Services (MLS)

The real estate industry has been continuously growing for many years, especially in big countries like the United States and Canada. Millions of real estate deals occur daily, and tens of millions of listings need to be monitored and moderated in one way or another. This is where the MLS comes in, and we’ll explain everything about Multiple Listing Services in this article.

We have a new updated guide here: The Ultimate Guide: What is Multiple Listing Service ( MLS ) in Real Estate

What is MLS?

The MLS or Multiple Listing Service is an association that provides authorized property information within a defined region or state. An MLS provider offers a gateway to trustworthy and accurate real estate information. Most MLSs within the US will cover an area supervised by a Board of Realtors, a realtor’s committee, or a Realtors Association.

All MLSs strive to provide valid real estate data within a specific region, thus eliminating the possibility of distorted information.

Multiple Listing Services achieve these goals by implementing strict data protection regulations. Only licensed real estate agents and realtors have access to IDX listings.

Multiple Listing Service - MLS

How Many MLSs Are There in the United States?

The specific number of MLSs fluctuates from year to year since new ones appear in certain areas while other MLSs merge. That being said, around 900 Multiple Listing Services are distributed nationwide. If you think that’s a lot, you may be right, but there is a reason as to why there are so many MLSs spread across the US.

The real estate industry is highly decentralized, regardless of the steps taken to standardize it and to standardize listings. Another reason is the fact that different states have different rules and regulations in place. This means that it’s nearly impossible to have only a handful of providers for the whole country.

Should Agents Join the MLS?

There are many benefits to joining and partnering with a Multiple Listing Services provider. You will have access to updated listings within a certain region, but that’s not all – you can access thousands of real estate listings from the MLS and integrate them into your website.

If you think you can use a 3rd party Vendor to access MLS data, we assure you it’s not allowed. Each MLS provides IDX information only to registered members, even if the data is accessed through a vendor. Each vendor must also provide a list of all their clients’ agent information.

MLS provides more than just access to listings with their membership. You can get TAX tools, agent alerts, promotion possibilities through MLS, and more.

Read more about what it costs to become a licensed agent in Texas and what are the similar costs for agents to become licensed in Florida.

Do MLSs Exist in Other Countries?

MLSs exist in some way or another in many different countries. The basic principle behind an MLS is valid real estate information and cooperation between various brokers – this concept is applied by private companies worldwide, sometimes with the approval of local authorities.

What is an MLS Grid?

The MLS Grid is a partnership between the significant MLSs from the United States. These entities decided to consolidate their real estate data and standardize it. The MLS Grid was founded back in 2016, with all members switching to the RESO Web API and the RESO Data Dictionary for their listings databases.

Everything About Multiple Listing Services (MLS)

Members currently include:

How Do I Access the Multiple Listing Service?

To get access to MLS listings, you need to take a few simple but mandatory steps, including:

  • You will have to contact your local MLS and request access to their listings (if you are a registered member)
  • Fill out the necessary paperwork and make the required payments if you need to become a member.

Some MLS offer access to MLS listings for free, and at the moment the article is published, we can guarantee free access for clients from Miami Realtors or ABOR (Austin Board of Realtors). Some may ask to pay an extra fee for this service, a piece of information that you can confirm directly with your MLS Content Licensing department.

Implementing the RESO Web API in your website

Before you can get access to thousands of real estate listings, you should know that the RETS feed is obsolete, and all MLS will soon join the RESO Standard. Read more here about what are the benefits to be a RESO member.

RESO or the Real Estate Standard Organization, developed the Web API, as well as the Data Dictionary as a means to standardize the real estate industry and make quick MLS integration possible. Once your MLS has implemented the RESO Web API, you can get access to data. You can publish that data from your MLS directly to your WordPress theme through MLS Import.

There are over 800 RESO-ready Multiple Listing Services to date, which you can use with MLS Import. We invite you to check our list and contact us if you need to know more about pricing.

How Much Does it Cost?

Maintaining a vast database of thousands of listings gobbles up plenty of server space – this is why access to the MLS comes at a price. The fee itself depends on the MLS and the number of listings it has stored or the listings it is willing to provide you access to.

What is the difference between a Realtor’s Association and the MLS?

An MLS is a technology company focused on providing accurate information regarding real estate listings, while a

The Realtors Association is a group of elected realtors who integrate different services and protect the rights of realtors within a specific state. In some instances, both the MLS and the Realtors Association may be run by the same real estate specialists.

Can I Access the Multiple Listing Service Without an Agent?

You have to be a licensed real estate agent before accessing your local Multiple Listing Service. If you don’t want to get your real estate license, the easiest way to go about it would be to contact an agent or realtor and negotiate access to the listing database. You can also get your property listed on the MLS by contacting an agent or realtor directly.


The Multiple Listing Service and technical solutions such as the RESO Web API made building real estate websites easier than ever before. It also facilitates the buying and selling of property and standardization within the industry as a whole.


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