Bluegrass Realtors MLS on

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We are proud to announce that today we’ve completed the integration of Bluegrass Realtors MLS in Starting now, you can import into your real estate website listings from over 30 counties in Central & Southern Kentucky areas.

Who is Bluegrass Realtors MLS

The Bluegrass REALTORS Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a database of properties for sale or lease in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky, USA. It is maintained and updated by real estate professionals and the Bluegrass Association of REALTORS members. 

The MLS allows these agents and brokers to list properties and share them with other association members, making it easier for buyers and sellers to find properties that meet their needs.

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The Bluegrass region of Kentucky is known for its beautiful horse farms, bourbon distilleries, and picturesque countryside. It includes the cities of Lexington, Louisville, and other smaller towns.

It is also known for its historic homes and landmarks, such as Keeneland Race Course and the Kentucky Horse Park. The Bluegrass region is also home to the “The University of Kentucky” and the “University of Louisville.”

Properties listed in the Bluegrass REALTORS MLS are likely to include single-family homes, condos, townhouses, and land, as well as commercial and investment properties.

The Bluegrass Association of REALTORS® was established in 1912, representing over 4,000 members in 30 counties throughout Kentucky. These counties include Anderson, Bath, Bell, Bourbon, Clark, Clay, Elliott, Estill, Fayette, Franklin, Harrison, Jackson, Jessamine, Knox, Laurel, Lee, Madison, McCreary, Menifee, Montgomery, Nicholas, Owsley, Powell, Pulaski, Rowan, Russell, Scott, Wayne, Whitley, and Woodford.

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The association members are active in all aspects of real estate, including residential and commercial brokerage, sales, development, property management, appraisal, auctioneering, and other related services. 

The Bluegrass Association of REALTORS® is the state’s second-largest local real estate association and is significant in Kentucky’s Central & Southern regions.

Annual membership dues are $300, charged from January to December. For new members, dues will be adjusted based on the date of acceptance. Additional affiliate names can be added to the primary membership for an extra $25 per year, per person, and included in the Bluegrass REALTORS® database.

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How to get Bluegrass Association of REALTORS® RESO API access

Bluegrass Association of REALTORS works with SPARK

  1. Register in Spark:
  2. Verify your email to get the account activated.
  3. Login in Spark:
  4. Access Datamart

Contact Bluegrass Association of REALTORS for SPARK API access approval if you cannot find the application in the Spark Datamart list.

2250 Regency Road
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-276-3503
Fax: 859-277-0286

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Picture of post by Laura Perez

post by Laura Perez

I’m Laura Perez, your friendly real estate expert with years of hands-on experience and plenty of real-life stories. I’m here to make the world of real estate easy and relatable, mixing practical tips with a dash of humor.

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